Tuesday, March 22, 2011


For the few of you OG blog followers out there, I have a bit of news that is bound to thrill you. Thrill might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I know I was pretty dern excited when Rick informed me on Sunday night that STEVEN IS ALIVE!!!!

"Who is Steven and why weren't we sure he was alive?", you might ask. No, Steven is not some character on a soap opera. If you will recall, Steven is one of the three frogs (Steven, Tyler, and George Burns) that lived in our window vaults last year. I posted about them here.

When winter rolled around I just basically assumed they would die of exposure. Well, it shows you what I know about frogs, because look who wants in to the newly finished basement!

Hey jerks! You left me out here all winter long. Lucky for you, I tripled in size and survived the elements. It looks pretty sweet in there. Have you been DVR-ing "Heavy" for me?

So now it's a standoff between Rick and Steven. Rick needs to open the window to reinstall the screen, but Steven is perched so close to the opening, there is no doubt he will make a lunge for the basement if given the slightest of openings. I guess I could offer my services to manually relocate Steven, but that would be too easy. Now I just have to keep my eyes peeled for Tyler and George Burns.

1 comment:

  1. frog and babies and vacations....oh my :) so many exciting things in your world!! congrats on them all! i really enjoyed reading your posts!!!
