Sunday, March 20, 2011

I think we were set up

As we get closer and closer to Super's potential birthday, nerves are mounting over at casa de Erwin regarding what to expect when she arrives. Will we be good parents? What kind of baby will she be? Will we ever sleep again? Is the fun officially over? And it's funny, when you are pregnant with your first child, these are the themes that people keep bringing up. There are warnings of sleeplessness, fussy babies, the end of your social life, and the implication that "it's over". Of course, because no one wants to be viewed as a baby-hater, they will add "but it's the best thing in the world", some times seemingly as an afterthought.

My theory is that Chaney and Dan sensed this and arranged for our friend from college, Spencer, and his baby boy, Townes, to come to St. Louis to lunch with us yesterday. Immediately everyone was charmed by baby Townes, including my beloved nieces that waited on his crayon-clutched hands and his croc swaddled feet. Because Townes has impeccable taste in the ladies (and because Chloe moved a seat away to allow for Spencer to oversee the feeding), Townes took a special liking to Ms. Parker.

It was almost too cute to handle. He kept grabbing her hand and putting it around his shoulders and on his head...

He'd lean in her general direction for the smooch attempt...

He was apparently head over heels by the end of the meal and just grabbed her shirt and went for the kiss. Both were thrilled to mug for photos the entire time, which made me so very happy.

For the rest of the day, Rick and I kept talking about how cute Townes was and what a good baby he is. And for the rest of the day, I kept thinking about how much love and joy that baby brought to a table full of family and how my heart swelled to see my nieces play and care for him with such tenderness.

So it probably wasn't a set-up....but it did go a long way to remind us of how wonderful babies really are and what a blessing they bring to your life. Thanks Baby Townes!

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't a set-up. Babies (and even toddlers who say "no my ah-choo!" to sneezing strangers) really are the best.
