Monday, March 14, 2011

Space invaders

Ah, how to summarize the weekend? It would help if I could recall what we did. On Friday night there was a sandwich. I remember that. And then on Saturday there was painting....and more painting...and then a basketball game (chloe) and a soccer game (Parker). On Saturday night we went to Atomic Cowboy to celebrate Liza's birthday with a group of people. Because I have a limited shelf life of about 10 waking hours (less if physical activity is involved in those 10 hours), I had to bail on the festivities fairly early. I am probably the only person in the world that is excited about the "springing forward", because it means that my bed time becomes less-lame by one hour.

Sunday was a big day because it was couch delivery day!!! Ricker and I had busted out our best geometry skills to find a couch that would fit down in our basement, and it was the moment of truth. The Phillips Furniture guys show up, and immediately one is saying positive and uplifting things like "Oh no way" and "that will never happen" when glancing from the couch to the doorway. As someone who will navigate something quite large through a somewhat small space here in a few months, his negativity was not appreciated. To avoid being the pregnant woman screaming directions at the men holding the big heavy couch, I vacated the premises. To the front yard. Where I stood until I heard the welcome sound of a couch being thumped down the basement steps. I rushed back inside to see that they had made it down the steps, only to get hung up at the turn at the bottom (this part wasn't constructed when we were taking our measurements for the couch...oops). Ultimately, all the brilliant minds (I was back in the front yard) maneuvered the couch into the basement and my fears of having gone through all this trouble and expense only to be able to fit beanbag chairs down there went out the window!

To celebrate, we took Liza and David up on their offer for pizza night! Liza and David are quite the little chefs/bakers, and are the only humans I know to actually get a ridiculous amount of use out of a bread maker. Like, we are talking multiple times a week. Sometimes they even bring us stuff. It's a pretty sweet gig. I offer you this photo montage of the evening:

Proof that at one point, David's dog Chase (not to be confused with Liza's dog, Chance, named before the two got together) actually let me pet him at one point in the evening. Very exciting!

This was my pizza. My pizza wasn't wearing pants, so blogger censored the bottom half of the photo. Gotta keep it clean.

Amy enjoying her spicy pizza, which ultimately had to be accompanied by some milk to put out the fire.

Shisha making up some fixins.

David keeping a close eye on things. I fully admit that I require supervision in the kitchen.

Chance kept an eye on things too. Mainly Ricker's phone.

We'll end with an obscure pic of the belly adjacent to the stove. Apparently Rick felt the need to photograph this moment because it hasn't really happened during this pregnancy. Thanks to delish pizza, the belly will be a little closer the next time. Thanks Shish and David!

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