Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Potty Talk

Note: Because we live in a tiny little home with only one bathroom, it is completely natural for all four of us to be crammed into this space at once. One in the tub, one on the potty, one at the sink and one on the floor. Any one of us could be assuming any of these four positions depending on the time of day this little tableau is unfolding. Here is one from last night after Annie apparently learned about making wishes on eyelashes at her new school:

SCENE: Annie on the potty pre-bedtime, me sitting on the tub facing her, and Rick in the bathroom doorway (John blessedly asleep because he's an angel):
Annie: I have an eyewash (eyelash), I'm gonna make a wish.
Rick: I have a wish.
Annie: What's your wish, Daddy?
Rick: That you go to bed quickly.
Annie: Well you aren't gonna get your wish.

At least she's honest. And she was 100% right.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Chilling Short Story

Annie is on her game all day. Right up until the bitter end of the day as I sit with her and we talk before bedtime. Two nights ago this exchange happened:

Annie (with a REALLY mischievous grin on her face): Do you know where my gum is, Mom?
Me: No....I thought you put it in the trash?
Annie, after a dramatic pause for effect: I put it somewhere in your ROOM!!!!

So, I was laughing so hard at her delivery that I forgot to follow up on exactly where in our room the gum was hidden. I completely forgot about it until yesterday at work, when I found two of my work reports stuck together with watermelon gum.

Well played, Annie.