Friday, March 4, 2011

Cultural Experience

I am surrounded by construction. They are also renovating our office building, which has recently included varnishing all wooden surfaces and repainting. It's a fume-a-palooza. If I wasn't concerned about the VOCs or whatever else is in the air, it smells of rotten mayonaisse and shoe polish and it's more than I can stand. The fumes are no better today, so I found myself at the Panera in Creve Coeur working for the day. I sat down next to a table of 70-something jewish gentlemen (not stereotyping; this becomes a relevant item shortly) and am equal parts disturbed and enchanted with their conversation (these are not soft talkers):

Round 1
Man #1: "My sister in law said her goal this year is to go on one date."
Man #2: "Is she do-able?"
Man #1: "No"

Round 2
Man #1: "I am thinking of giving up golf and taking up tennis."
Man #3: "I like tennis, but I look horrible in those outfits."

Round 3
Man #2: "(Insert someone's name here) is a total anti-semite. He called his assistant a f-ing (insert horrible defamatory jewish term here)."
Man #1: I will never watch another Mel Gibson movie again. Though he was good in 'Bird on a Wire'".
Man #3: "Was it Goldie Hawn or Meg Ryan in that movie?"
Man #2: "Meg Ryan. I haven't watched a movie with her since she cheated on Dennis Quaid. It's just not the same."
Man #1: "She was great in that movie with Billy Crystal, Sleepless Seattle or something."
Man #3: "oh no, that wasn't the name. It's on the tip of my tongue. The one with the diner scene. I'll have what she's having."

Hilarity ensues.

The conversations were peppered with f-bombs and it was hilarious. I might have to hang out here more often. Maybe they'll make me one of their crew. Anyone that has such strong opinions about Meg Ryan is ok by me.

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