Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missing in Action

Since Rick seems to think that having one 90 pound dog in the house is enough, I have taken to getting my pet fix in odd places. Most recently I was introduced to Steven and Tyler, the frogs that live in our basement window drains. I met Steven first when he lunged at me quite aggressively when I was cleaning out the drain. He is pictured below:
As you can (or can't see) he's almost invisible between the rocks and the leaves, but he's the larger of the two and can be frequently found lounging by the window, ready to give you a heart attack when you open it up. He's lightening quick, that Steven, and quite a prankster.

Then there's Tyler. Sweet, not as invisible, Tyler:

Time will tell if Tyler is young or just petite, but he is far cuter that Steven (shhh!) and not quite as scary. I actually thought that Tyler was dead because we hadn't seen him in recent efforts and I thought maybe he met his maker in that last storm (these window drains tend to clog and fill with water, which is how I suspect they got in here to begin with, not that a frog would drown in water, but who knows what goes on in frog world during a heavy downpour). Steven and Tyler live in Left Window.

Now for the bad news. There was another frog in Right Window. His name was George Burns. And I can't find him. As we experienced with Tyler, it could be that he's just hiding out somewhere, but it's been a few days. Pray for George.


  1. We had two box turtles that came with our new house. The previous owners took great pains to tell about them so we would not hit them with the mower. According to the info they gave us, box turtles settle somewhere and live there forever. I rarely saw them, but Brian was growing quite fond of them when we discovered that the lab (Tyson) we have been dog sitting for a couple months started carrying the turtles around in his mouth. In fact he tried to bring one in the house one day. Now we have not seen them again for several weeks...pretty sad but we fear Tyson's fixation may have been their demise.

  2. Sherri! That's horrible! Frogs are one thing but turtles that have lived there forever would be another thing entirely. Poor things. I can already feel myself getting too attached to these stinking frogs. I have visions of me bringing them inside in the winter and ordering flies online.

    So you have THREE dogs now? You are insane. Where is Tyson's owner and when are they coming back.
