Friday, August 13, 2010

I scream, you scream, they are all screaming.

It's back to school time in the Hagemann household, and Chaney's never one to miss an opportunity for a party, so the girls hosted an ice cream social at Serendipity in Webster. Chaney started the evening with some Dewey's pizza for all the ladies in attendance.
Chloe in a rare moment of modesty.

Peaceful enough (though the willingness to give 6 year olds access to batter and a hot surface shows some questionable judgement on behalf of Serendipity, but maybe that's the fear talking again). Chloe making her own waffle bowl.

Amiable topping selection.

That blue concoction is the favorite of all children in a 10 mile radius. It's called Cookie Monster. It's cotton candy ice cream with cookie dough and oreo bits mixed in. Clearly my palate is not complex enough to understand the culinary masterpiece that is Cookie Monster.

This little girl deviant strayed the Cookie Monster norm and opted for Dulce de Leche. Impressive. Or signs of early snobbery. Either way, do your own thing sister!

This is about as good as I can get these days as far as a photo of Parker goes.

Foiled again!

The adults eventually got in on the action.
Rick had to make sure the treats weren't poisoned.

The party went well for about the first 45 minutes. Apparently that's the shelf life of a 6-8 year old girl in a group of 15 or so after consuming a good amount of sugar. Things devolved pretty quickly after that.

It rapidly turned into a sort of trippy Lord of the Flies, Survivor-esqu, last man standing type of scenario with with all girls in a constant effort to out-screach each other. There was pushing, crying, hugging, and Chloe head-butting people in the gut while screaming "I'm a unicorn!" Maybe a healthy dose of fear while around children isn't a bad thing.

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