Saturday, August 28, 2010

In your FACE, Moderation!

Our good friends Stephanie and Matt are in town this weekend to visit their new niece and we were lucky enough to wedge ourselves into their plans for get-together last night. Knowing that I had a longer run today, I had plans to have 1-2 glasses of wine and take it easy. That was the plan. But, as it always happens when you are with good friends, the beer flowed like wine, the wine flowed like...well, wine, and the next thing I knew Steph and I had polished off two bottles. Oops. To really bring home how "off" I was, I even allowed for a stop to procure some bean burritos on our way home. I clearly have a death wish.

So needless to say I was not too enthusiastic about this morning's 8 mile run. I even contemplated postponing it until tomorrow, but figured that my actions should have consequences. As they say, you mess with the bull, you get the horns. In this case, the bull is a bottle of wine and a bean burrito and the horns would be a horrible run with the increased likelihood that I will crap myself. I figured that's what the chamois in my tri shorts are for and I headed out the door with a bit less than a spring in my step.

Much to my shock and appreciation, it was not bad. It wasn't great, but no bodily fluids came from any unexpected places, which I consider a personal victory.

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