Thursday, August 19, 2010

I've got my eye on you Oscar Mayer

I may have mentioned previously that a love of all things bacon related is shared amongst my family members. I am usually hesitant to cook bacon in our house for two reasons: 1) the smell lingers FOREVER, which in and of itself isn't that bad, but I am sure if it is making me hungry, it has to be the doggie equivalent of chinese water torture, and 2) Rick and I will plow through an entire pound of bacon without looking back. So we typically save bacon for special occassions and for when it's nice enough to open the windows and air the place out a bit.

Imagine my delight when I spotted a new bacon product by the refridgerated section when I was making a meat run to the store last night. I stopped and checked it out and it's pre-cooked bacon by our trusty friends at Oscar Mayer! I was so distracted by all the potential this little box held and visions of me finishing my shopping trip while munching on a box of pre-cooked bacon that I hardly realized the location of the box. By the fridge. Not IN the fridge. WTF?

They make it clear that it's "100% Real Bacon", but I am not buying it. And don't get me started on the picture of the bacon on the box. The salad to bacon ratio in this salad seems a bit skewed. What is this country coming to? While I was initially excited about the notion of this particular pork product, I am becoming more and more disturbed as I think about it. Are we becoming so lazy that we can't cook, much less refridgerate the MEAT we eat? And seriously, strips of bacon on a salad? Are you eating this salad as a side to your big Mac and diet coke to make it more "healthy"?

I hesitate to bring up the refridgeration topic in our house lest it revive the great ketchup debate of 2007, but I think we can agree that when it comes to our bacon, we like it pre-chilled. I am going to suggest to Mr. Mayer that the ad campaign for this product be "If the cholesterol doesn't get ya, then the trichinosis/e coli/salmonella will!"

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