Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Call to Action

It started off as a fairly boring Sunday. I was dragging a bit from the previous evening's block party and Rick had been up all night doing whatever he does in the middle of the night on the weekends (house projects, internet searches, ESPN). We had nothing on the books so we decided to walk the camping chairs left at our house back over to the Hagemann's. There's nothing like a 30 minute walk in the summer heat to jump-start a hangover, so I was prepared to relax in the dark coolness of our living room all day when we got...THE CALL. We were green-lit for a GB/Big Daddy-sponsored lunch out! Reinvigorated with actual plans and promises of a free lunch, we rallied the troops. Chloe had a better offer so she went to the International Fair (very sophisticated, that one) and Chaney was off returning a dog to a cousin (this is not a euphemism for anything, in case you were wondering), so it was Dan, Parker, Kaly, Shisha, and Rick headed to lunch at Bar Louie.

I am not sure how we got from brunch to buying a handle of rum at Straubs with plans to make pina coladas and bust out the sprinkler, but that's what happened, and the day devolved pretty quickly after that.

Dan and Shisha with the pina coladas. Dan is double-fisting his tropical drinks because it's Sunday and the wife's away...

Child labor laws are relaxed on Sundays and Parker graciously washed ALL OF OUR CARS. I love that kid.

The only appropriate mechanism for listening to classic rock is this "classic" boom box. We were all shocked when the thing actually fired up. Parker tried to clean off some of the dust with a few swipes of the sprinkler in the general direction of the porch. Apparently they made their boom boxes waterproof in 1986.

Rough Sunday.

Dan taking a run through the sprinkler to cool himself off/sober up before Chaney got home.

This is how you wake up four "sleeping" adults on the porch.

We later cleaned up and ordered some pizza. Parker surprised me with this adorable outfit. I was so proud. Apparently the love of stripes is genetic! You also get a glimpse of the now almost 100% healed bruise in this pic.
When I say I felt like a hot bag of death on Monday at work, I might be understating things a bit. But the positive far outweighs the negative as far as this Sunday-Funday was concerned. Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Geebs and Bigs!

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