Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Staying Put

We had another checkup with Dr J yesterday, and alas there is no progress. I was pretty sure there hadn't been since I haven't felt any contractions. Being that I have never had contractions before, I guess there stood a chance that I had been having them but didn't know it, but that didn't seem likely. He informed me that the baby had not dropped, which I didn't necessarily need him to tell me. Anyone that takes one look at my torso can see that Super is chillin' high and tight up in my biz.

If you will recall, last visit I was sort of stunned into silence and didn't ask any pertinent follow-up questions to the Doc. Well, I learned my lesson this time. I managed to learn that since I don't appear to have any issues/complications and the baby is comfy, there won't be any induction or anything until we are at least 39 weeks, regardless of the size of the baby. He did add that she seems to be within the normal range, so that was reassuring. Given the lack of progression and normal size, I think we can take the birth threat level down from orange to yellow (I am using the same color scheme as the air quality measurements, in case you are wondering: green, yellow, orange, and red).

Because she was not necessarily within reasonable range, Dr J couldn't necessarily confirm that she was head down, so we got to have an ultrasound! I was so excited to see her, I could hardly stand it. It was so great to see how much she has changed from when we last got a glimpse at 20 weeks. We saw her sweet little profile and her little baby hand that was right up against her face. If we were excited before that, I think it put us over the edge. I absolutely cannot wait to meet our daughter.

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