Tuesday, April 26, 2011


If you will notice, there is a "next blog" icon at the top of this page, that when pressed will advance you to someone else's blog. When I have a little extra time, I will often play a little "blog roulette". I won't even waste my time on a blog if one of the two situations are observed:

1) They haven't posted anything in over a month
2) There is some sort of grammatical error in the first paragraph

So imagine my dismay when my lovely brother, Patrick (who has become the blog police, apparently/thankfully) sent me a text on Saturday morning pointing out my use of "your welcome", not once but TWICE in Saturday's post. I felt immediate shame, yet was thankful that he was up at 7:15 in the morning reading the blog, which likely prevented many of you from seeing my errors.

Then I just saw the VERY SAME mistake in another post. I am an idiot. So, thank you for tolerating my ignorance and you ARE welcome to make fun of me for this at any given time.


  1. its no problem. usually their are no errors in you're blog

  2. Can I get Patrick to patrol my blog as well? Chip is always hesitant to say anything because I go crazy and immediately seize the keyboard in an attempt to fix the error before anyone else sees it.
