Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lest you are confused...

We are officially at 34 weeks now. I really need to stick with what we know and not those pesky and alarming doctor measurements. I mean, the phone clearly knows best here. Dr J was just using a tape measure to deliver the 35 cm bomb, and he didn't even measure twice, which Rick assures me is necessary to get an accurate measurement (measure twice, cut once...and you think I am not listening).

This week Super is the size of an average cantaloupe. She is around 4.75 pounds and 17.75 inches long. Again, I don't recall ever seeing a cantaloupe that large, but who am I to question the phone?

This is what it looks like when you have a cantaloupe-sized human inside you. And what it looks like when you should clearly go up a size in maternity shirts.

And since I appear to be in a picture taking mood, I will present for your admiration my fancy new diaper bag made by Ruth and Rich Erwin (Rick's parents):

Jealous? I would be if I were you and I wasn't the owner of this adorable little number. They even said they would monogram her name onto the ribbon once she's born. It has pockets and everything! I can't wait to use it.

The warnings on the phone are pretty dire these days, so I won't go too far into them. They do a great job of making me thankful for my current lack of issues. Here's a sampling of things I appear to be missing out on: sensation that my baby is about to fall out, prickling or tingling in the pevlic area, difficulty sleeping, sensation of undergoing significant physical strain, extreme fatigue, general aches and pains. Hmm. Sounds awesome. I have said it before and I think it's worth repeating: it's amazing there are any babies in this world. Luckily Super appears to be pretty low maintenance. Here's hoping that keeps up after she's born!

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