Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend Getaway

The Erwins escaped to warmer climates on Friday for a weekend of family fun. Our cousin, Elizabeth, was getting married, and was kind enough to have the wedding in a place that was convenient to allow for visitation of other family members: Austin. We flew in early on Friday, just in time to enjoy a late lunch at one of Austin's trailer park eateries. We then did some shopping, checked into the hotel, and I tried to rest for a bit. Rick went out to pick up some stuff I forgot, but then somehow found himself at a hot dog happy hour that sounded like it couldn't be missed. That night we went for drinks with Patrick, cousin Brandon, and Chaney, and then stopped by a pre-wedding cocktail party. We then went back out with Brandon and his delightful girlfriend, Jordan for a late dinner. Sounds busy, no? Well, if you are pregnant and ever want to gauge your level activity over the course of the day, check out your feet. Mine resembled Fred Flintstones with a sweet sunburn (still not sure why they were so red). It was awesome. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to get to sleep that night.

On Saturday we went to breakfast with Kristen and Dave and then went to find some shoes that fit my new flintstone feet. We then had lunch with my sweet Aunt Lynnie, cousin David and his family (wife Kate and son Stuart). Kate is pregnant with TRIPLET GIRLS! In true Kate fashion, she was as upbeat as ever and looked amazing. I could not complain about my swollen feet in Kate's presence.

Sweet Stuart Ellis, he who is about to be further over-run with girl siblings and cousins.
Lunch was absolutely adorable and it felt great to finally feel warmth of the SUN!

Bigs and GB surprised us all by driving all night to arrive in Austin early, just in time to make lunch. This is my sweet Aunt Lynnie.

Stuart with his Mom and Dad. Kate, I believe, is 29 weeks pregnant. Three babies. God bless her.

Shisha, cousin Brandon, and his g-friend Jordan.

Big D and Stuart practicing their "hook 'em horns", which is a mandatory ability in Austin.

All the ladies.

Chaney sharing scoop with GB and Big Daddy.
Saturday evening was the wedding in Dripping Springs, which I assumed was just outside of Austin. I was wrong. It was about an hour shuttle ride away, which we all almost missed. Chaney and Liza were the most dramatic, having to run up 6th street in their dresses (sans high heels to increase speed) to make the bus in time. We love a good entrance.

Patrick wasn't sure if his hot toddy he received upon arrival had quite enough alcohol.

Wow, that's a puffy face. Oh well. I blame strange vacation food.

The beautiful bride and her father, my crazy uncle Jimmy.

Gorgeous setting.

The reception was THE FUNK. They had a great band and dinner consisted of shrimp and grits, mac 'n cheese, chicken fingers, spinach salad, some sort of beef product that Mom and Chaney almost came to blows over trying to identify, and some yummy soup. Desserts were cake, cupcakes, and MILK SHAKES. Seriously, this pregnant chick was in heaven. Nevermind the fact that the first milkshake I took a huge gulp of was heavily spiked with something. It doesn't count if you didn't know there was alcohol in it.

All in all, it was the perfect weekend to usher in valentine's day. It was full of family and love, which was what I kept trying to focus on as I waded through the piles of medical bills, that for some reason aren't covered by my insurance, that were waiting for us when we got home. Good times. I will not let you get me down, Meritain!!!

This goes out to all my friends and family. Happy Valentines day! Thank you for being a source of light and love in our lives and we appreciate you more than we could ever say.

Now I am off to take out some of my insurance aggression on Totsy...

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