Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chinese Cabbage meets Indian Chicken Fingers

How do you know when you are a very loved uncle? The answer is when you can get your 7 and 9 year old nieces to eat Indian food in celebration of your birthday. Sure, they ate mostly something resembling chicken fingers and naan, but it's all about the baby steps, right? I am pretty sure they at least tried some new things! Of course, Chloe proclaimed that the place smelled weird because Indian people like spices (she learned that part about the spices yesterday at school) and they were referring to the naan as "pizza" by the end of the meal, but we were still proud of them and it made for a very special birthday dinner.

We are officially at 28 weeks of pregnancy today, which means a measly 12 weeks left! The Super has developed more brain tissue and is 15 inches long and 2 1/4 pounds and is the size of a Chinese Cabbage:

This photo even includes a coin for scale! Very advanced.

The phone continues to reference this magical blinking of the eyes and then starts again with the laundry list of not-so-pleasant things we can expect during these last few weeks. They advise that I will gain around 10 pounds this trimester (here's hoping!) and continue warnings of swelling, urinary incontinence, itching skin, hemorrhoids, and again with the heartburn. While I did temporarily lose my ankles last Friday, I have eluded most things on this list so for that, I am eternally grateful.

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