Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Too good to be true

Thanks to a certain basement remodel project which caused all of the basement storage to be relocated into the future nursery, my nesting efforts have been somewhat limited lately. We have been able to make some purchases for the nursery however we can't get anything organized until we get all of our other stuff out of there. As a result, I have been forced to focus my nesting instinct on other things like cleaning the bathroom. And Totsy.

"What's Totsy?", you ask? Well, it's one of those "deal of the day" places that offers huge discounts on limited quantities of items. They send you daily emails taunting you with excellent bargains that you don't want to miss out on. It's like a used car salesperson for slinging baby-related items. So around the beginning of January, Rick and I fell prey to the wooing of this Totsy and purchased the Easywalker Travel System they were offering. The system was to include the stroller, the carrycot/bassinet, and a travel bag. This stroller is pretty fancy and normally really expensive, so we jumped at the chance to get it at a huge discount. We knew it would take a while to arrive and were happy we ordered it in advance. It was slated to be delivered on February 1, so when it arrived a WHOLE DAY EARLY on January 31st, we were thrilled.

This is the stroller, though we ordered it in dark gray.

The stroller base with the carrycot. Pretty slick, eh?

align="left">I waited for Rick to come home to open our first real-deal baby item so we could marvel at both our slick new stroller system and compliment each other on our financial responsibility. Well, we open up this HUGE box, only to find just the stroller inside. Being that it is Danish design, we thought they might have tucked the carrycot and travel bag into some nook of the stroller, but we found nothing. I looked at our order form which enthusiastically proclaimed "Order Complete! Thank you for shopping with Totsy!" I was instantly furious. Totsy. What a stupid name.

I have been aptly nicknamed "Customer Service Nightmare" (CSN) by my husband and various members of my family. I wear this as a badge of honor. I will say that CSN only comes out in situations where it is greatly deserved. I think the pregnancy sort of turns up the volume on the CSN situation, but I like to think I am still pretty fair when determining the level of freak-out necessary when this customer thinks she's not receiving good service. I instantly emailed Totsy (seriously, it's like the name of your super annoying sorority sister that you just want to choke) and got an automated response providing me with my ticket number. I tried calling and got this bubbly "Thank you for calling Totsy, our office hours are ..... Please leave a message." A message? What kind of clown shoes operation is this? Do you not even bother to connect me to some fella in India named Jose who will try his best to resolve my issues?

Long story short, no response from Totsy for a week other than to tell me they are looking into it. My rage grew. So on Monday I sent an email to Easywalker, just letting them know my concerns about the Totsy (brain bleeding) service and they might want to take this into consideration the next time they are thinking about doing business with them. And I copied Totsy on the email. I am sure it is a coincidence, but within about 20 minutes of sending that email, I got a response from Manny with Totsy (I'm not joking). He said they were working with the manufacturer to get the balance of the order fulfilled and said that we could get something within the next two weeks. Melissa with Easywalker also responded and said she would be contacting Totsy to help them get this resolved.

So Manny, Melissa and I will probably become fast friends over the next two weeks. I am reserving any serious judgement of sweet Totsy until the two week deadline expires and then I will unleash the fury of Father-to-Be Erwin, who, thanks to the wonders of social media and a highly popular children's museum, has access to THOUSANDS of parental units that I am sure would be interested to hear about the service Totsy provides. We'll keep you posted.

Edited to add: Apparently we are aligning to the left today, and want to tell everyone about it! I tried to fix it, but then it wipes out most of my text, so it will stay. And I can't get my new background to come up. I smell a totsy sabotage.


  1. I do love Totsy and have oddly never had a problem with them. I did receive an incredibly weird email from them one day though that said they were changing warehouses and my order would be delayed but they'll send me a credit for something. I was like...okay... but then the next day it arrived. I think they drink a lot on the job :) Anyway, let's hope for the best because part of Super's shower present is on order from Totsy :) Sorry but they were TOOOOO cute.

  2. Robyn, it seems to be hit or miss, but when they miss, it's pretty epic (google Totsy Customer Service). The total lack of response and inability to contact someone was got me especially riled up. I am sure Super's gift will arrive in a timely manner. I hear ya on the cute stuff, I have even been tempted by sales in the last week on there, but I am holding off until they get this right.

  3. Same thing happened to me! We are STILL waiting for the order completion.... Manny was responding to me for a bit but haven't heard back now in two weeks. Furious. Update and let us know where you guys stand. I'm due in two weeks and want this stuff handled!

  4. I just came across your blog today while doing a google search for Easywalker and totsy to see if anyone has had the same issues I have with them. I have also been contacted by Manny and, long story short, have been given the run-around (first the issue was the manufacturer, then moving the warehouse, then the manufacturer--all vague excuses). I kept getting told to wait "just two more weeks" and being thanked for my patience. Meanwhile, they had already charged my card as of 2 Feb. So, I posted a smart-aleck comment on their facebook page and filed a BBB complaint. I got a box with only the travel bag, and yesterday they emailed to say they found the stroller and I'll have it by next week. Today, I got an oops email saying they only have it in the sand color since they didn't get any in black like I ordered. I hope I get something in, sand or whatever, but my DH is steaming. He gets to write the BBB this time, though, because the color isn't so important to me, I just want a stroller before my DD is walking.

  5. Oh, and they have offered a $10 credit (that I'll never use) and $25 reimbursement for the wrong color. What a joke. I'm deleting my account as soon as the stroller actually arrives.
