Thursday, February 17, 2011

27 WEEKS!!!

So that 2nd trimester went by quickly for me, I don't know about you guys. We are in the home stretch here! And to really confuse/annoy me, the phone is now saying that super is the size of a cauliflower. Hmm. That's interesting. I think they have officially gone off the deep end or run out of random foodstuffs to reference, so now they are just throwing things out there. Next week they will tell us that she is the size of approximately 300 dominoes. Actually, that might be a slighly more uniform, quantifiable reference. Maybe these people are hiring. I feel I could provide valuable insight into their operation.

We have finally reached the 2 pound mark and she's around 14.5 inches long. This is becoming very real here, people. They are telling me that she now resembles what she will look like at birth, though slightly redder and more wrinkly. Sounds like Dan Hagemann on a beach vacation (my brother in law is well known for getting a sunburn to beat all sunburns on the first 2-3 days of vacation, shedding that layer, and then breaking in his "new skin" for the duration of the trip; it's fascinating to watch). The baby's immune system is continuing to develop and she's becoming a pro at breathing amniotic fluid. Every time they mention the breathing fluid, I think of that old movie "The Abyss" with Ed Harris where they have to breathe some sort of fluid to survive outside of their little submarine. Did you see that? No? It's just me? Fine. Your loss.

I am now being warned of leg cramps (check!) , back pains, pressure, premature labor and restless leg syndrome (in addition to all of last week's symptoms). The list is getting longer than the disclaimer at Space Mountain. Oh well. I guess I can endure anything for another 13 weeks.

I go in to get my glucose tolerance test to determine if I have gestational diabetes tomorrow. In preparation, I have been laying off the sweets in hopes I pass with flying colors. While I can cope with 13 weeks of backaches, swollen feet (and face and hands), constipation, heartburn, restless legs, mood swings, hip pain, and leg cramps, the thought of 13 weeks without sweets is almost more than I can handle.

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