Thursday, February 3, 2011

25 weeks!

13.5 inches
1.5 pounds
Size of a rutabaga (seriously?)

Super has continued to pack on the pounds, which means cute little baby fat to smooth out the skin. My phone warns of stretching skin, shortness of breath (due to my huge uterus, YAY!) and increased body hair. Good times. Now, I am not bragging here, but my leg hair has almost completely stopped growing. I know there is zero chance of this happening, but if this continues post-pregnancy, this is essentially winning the hygiene lottery for a woman. Knowing my luck, my body will make up for lost time after Super arrives and I will turn into a human Chia pet, but for now, I will enjoy the silky smoothness.

One thing my phone doesn't warn about is pregnancy turning me into a crazed lunatic. A sporadic crazed lunatic, which is almost worse, because you never know when it is going to strike. I guess I can understand that there is not an easy way to tell expectant mothers that they will want to rip the heads off of all those that are near and dear to them, for no good reason. That was me yesterday. And when I wasn't ragey, I was sobby. It was not good. I finally had the presence of mind to separate myself from society and ride the storm out solo. So apologies in advance (or if I haven't apologized yet) for being mean, crazy, rude, or ultra-sensitive. I am sure I will be back to my semi-mean, crazy, rude, and quasi-sensitive self soon after the baby arrives.

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