Friday, November 5, 2010

Drunk with power

I never really thought people were paying attention. So I made one little comment about Almond Joys, never imagining the far reaching influence I would have. It's like the blog equivalent of the butterfly effect. I received this troubling photo from my dear friend Kristen on Wednesday:

"Should I be concerned?" was the attached message.

Kristen and Dave are newlyweds and imagine Kristen's surprise when she noticed the AJ in the grocery bag after Dave returned to the store. As a dutiful blog follower, she contacted me immediately. Look, I am not saying there's a guarantee he's a maniac, but I'd sleep with one eye open. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that. If he starts leaving you love notes made with random letters cut out of magazines, it's time to get worried.

This blog has taken a strange turn of late, and I promise to get off the candy topic soon. Maybe next week. Or when you guys stop sending me stuff about it. Be safe out there!


  1. Oh, this is timely. I finally emptied Mary Clare's Halloween basket yesterday, and lo and behold, what do I find but a package of Swedish fish. So I tried them. They taste great, but your brother is right. Any candy that requires immediate flossing just isn't worth it.

  2. this is my favorite comment so far.
