Tuesday, November 9, 2010

slippery slope

I tried to avoid maternity clothes as long as possible, and thanks to some sort of contraption that keeps your pants from falling down while you walk around in public with them unbottoned (tres chic), I have been able to do so up until this point. I probably could keep it up for another month or so, but I have been lured in by the sweet spandex contraption that is the maternity jean. I dragged my trusty Ricker to the store with me on Saturday and after much fussing, messing around with some sort of tummy pillow that is supposed to give me an idea of what I will look like in 3 months (spoiler alert: terrifying!), and hearing Rick repeatedly tell me "they look like jeans", I found my first pair. I figured best to just throw in the towel now and be comfortable and get my money out of these things than to fight it and risk that our child will be born with zipper marks across its forehead from too-tight jeans. I was ready to embrace comfortable living right up until I saw the commercial for the pajama jean.

I then realized it's a slippery slope when it comes to seeking comfort in clothes. One minute I am wearing stylish maternity jeans, the next I am sporting pajama jeans and (they fit any body type!) and a ratty sorority tee to Aldi's with my cat carrier to pick up antibiotics to treat my invasive bed sores. Here's hoping I find a middle ground!

1 comment:

  1. I did the maternity jean early as well--all other pants will fit for what seems like forever but not those darn unforgiving jeans! Also, never let anyone else see you with that stupid 3 month pillow--people laugh and tell you it's cute--it's not...and who really likes people laughing at you?

    Now, when I did start wearing them, they are one of the few pants that actually have pockets to which my charming bro-in-law said, "Those are maternity pants and they have pockets???" Which slightly made me feel better that I didn't already look like a beached whale and that they didn't give away the preggers thing.
