Monday, November 29, 2010

Data Collection

We had a visit with Dr. Jostes today to check the status of Super. No fancy ultrasounds this visit, but I did get all my stats taken and hear the heartbeat. I have officially gained 9 pounds (four of them being in the last month) which Dr. J said is perfect for where I am with my pregnancy. After my performance over Thanksgiving holiday, I was convinced that it was going to be a solid 10 pound gain, so I was thrilled with just 4. The baby is growing at the perfect rate based on the size of my belly and Super's heart rate was around 140 bpm.

The next appointment is December 27th, again after another holiday weekend. This is the big one where we learn the sex. What say ye, People of my blog (Pombs)...Boy or Girl?


  1. I'm voting---boy. Though a girl to play with Chasie would be awesome. I also have an idea of a male name for the baby--it's just my guess though.

  2. Super will soon be Superboy. All the way.
