Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pregnancy Math

Here's a little riddle to start off your Tuesday:

What do you get when you combine a pregnant woman, a family trip to Miami, a Sam's size jar of nutella, and a crippling illness which prohibited any sort of working out for 3 weeks? If you guessed a NINE POUND WEIGHT GAIN IN ONE MONTH, you would be correct! The grand prize is a lifetime of Spanks and a Thighmaster. You can claim your prizes at your next over-eater's anonymous meeting.

Oh well. Sure, I gained the same amount of weight in the month of January that I had gained in my previous 5 months of pregnancy. Can't unring that bell. Dr. J insisted that my weight gain was still "perfect". I really wish he would sort of lay into me at this point, because all this positive reinforcement is seemingly backfiring. He did add the "just do your best" line, which was cute.

Truth be told, I think I was just in a funk yesterday, because I feel fine about it all today. It's just part of the process/experience, I think it is more funny to talk about than to get upset over. It's like your body is on a mission and doesn't plan to include you on the agenda, so you "just do your best" to not explode out of your pregnancy jeans and hit the gym a few times a week. Oh, and try to ignore that cake that your contractor brought you. That's proving to be a little difficult.


  1. You're getting into 3rd trimester...you're going to gain more weight per month. Just wait til the end when you're like, "holy crap...where'd this weight come from?" That does only get worse as you have to start going weekly because then you have to get on the scale more often. Also, you can blame it on retaining water (the feet will begin to swell--I admit that's where I had the most difficulty--my cute feet went huge).

  2. I hear conflicting tales of this 3rd trimester. Some have told me that they didn't gain much because they didn't feel like they had any room to eat. Others said they couldn't get full enough. To quote my most hated phrase, "it is what it is". I have had a lifetime of shedding unwanted weight, so looking forward to getting back on that horse come June. Until then, I am just focusing on having a healthy pregnancy. I should mention that my blood pressure is stellar, so I've got that going for me!
