Monday, January 10, 2011


This is Cottage 13's 100th post! Who knew I had so much to say? Of course, I don't have anything earth-shattering to report in this particular post, other than Rick and I are still sick. I finally broke down and called the doctor today to see if there is anything else they can give me for this nonsense. I guess they are calling in a Z-Pack. Ricker is the sickest I have ever seen him. He was actually NAPPING all weekend, which is unheard of in this house. He was suspiciously quiet last night though, which usually means he got a little liberal with the nyquil. More power to him.

Meanwhile, I was up most of the night worshipping at the altar of the neti pot. For those of you not familiar, the premise is that you pour a saline solution into one nostril and it (along with whatever is up there) comes out the other nostril. Now, this is all fine and dandy assuming there is a somewhat clear pathway for said saline solution. I guess at 3:00 this morning, that wasn't the case. Stop reading now if you are easily grossed out (I know most of my family has no issues with the gross stuff, so this is for you guys). Instead of the saline flowing out my other nostril due to blockage, it re-routed out my mouth. Excellent. I guess that was a partial blessing in disguise because the stuff that came out was no joke. I kept thanking of the Mr. Mucus Mucinex guy the whole time and vacillated between being both disgusted and fascinated. Needless to say, that didn't help much with the nose, but I guess it made the throat feel better.

So I am home again today and currently plan on trying to actually take a sick day (this plan will change later in the day as the emails amass) and catch up on my Lifetime Craigslist Killer TV movie. Lifetime makes everything better.

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