Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Thursday!!!!

And the dedicated POMBs (People of my blog) know that means it is time for an update on Super! At 19 weeks, he/she is still hovering around 6 inches (this time the baby is compared to a large bell pepper, thankfully moving off of the fruit, though I can't say I have ever seen a bell pepper that large either) and has packed on a few ounces since last week and is tipping the scales at 8-9 ounces. I plan to really focus on how much weight Super is putting on when I get weighed in at the doctor's office on Monday. It's not me, it's the baby.

Super is covered in a waxy white substance called vernix caseosa, which keeps our little bell pepper's skin from becoming chapped. Interesting to learn that the chapstick affection starts in the womb. I should probably send extra-teethy vibes to the baby this week as the permanent teeth buds are forming around this time. I think this might have been the week GB went on vacation or forgot to brush when she was carrying me, resulting in my not-quite-complete set of chompers. I'm pretty sure that's how it all works. Here's hoping Super gets its Dad's teeth. Super may also start sleeping this week. I think I will regularly start to invoke the "Shut up, my baby is sleeping" line when people start to annoy me now. You have been warned.

Some other baby at 19 weeks. GB-THIS IS NOT SUPER. You can tell it's not our child because of the slender calves, though I am excellent at this particular yoga move. I am about to have a panic attack at the thought of getting stuck in this pose in a cramped space for 20 weeks. Moving on...

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