Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Christmas Story

Christmas was a bit of a whirlwind this year. It was different in that GB and Big Daddy were not in town, leaving all the children and grandchildren to fend for ourselves. It was also different in that I was stone cold sober the entire time. Though I was sober, I had to refer back to the pictures to see what we actually did. It was quite a blur of activity. We started off the holidays a bit early and asked Parker and Chloe to have a sleep over to allow time for Chaney and Dan to prep for the family on Christmas eve and to get any last minute arrangements with Santa in line.

We made a special trip to Dewey's for some pizza. The girls each got to pick their own toppings for their half of the pizza. Chloe, always concerned about cholesterol and her girlish figure, chose sausage and bacon.

Parker chose pepperoni and pineapple. Surprisingly good! Ricker tried a piece of each to make sure they weren't poisonous.

We went home and watched "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and EVERYONE (myself included) was in bed by 8:11. The girls were up at 6:00 sharp and we beat feet out the door to miss the snow to get donuts and last minute provisions. Then Rick and the girls spent the rest of the morning riding a sweet sugar buzz and making mixed CDs for the party that night.

We attended the Christmas Pageant at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church. Happy made it into town with his customary 83 seconds to spare and we slid into the pews just in time for the start of the service. Parker was spiffed up for the occassion and was wearing a DRESS! She looked beautiful.

Chloe had an actual speaking part (Behold, I bring you good news of great joy!). I can't tell if this is Chloe or not, but it is her gang of angels up there. If you want better pictures, get me a better zoom lens.

In customary Parker/Rick fashion, a snowball fight was started outside the church. Parker has excellent aim and missed David's head by a centimeter from about 25 feet away.

We had an impressive snowfall throughout the day on the 24th, which resulted in one of the most beautiful Christmas Eves I have seen in a while. This was the Hagemann's house. It really got everyone in the holiday spirit!

As with any Harkins/Loyd/Erwin/Hagemann gathering, there is never a shortage of food or booze. Shisha kept stating that she "just wasn't hungry", though I seem to have several pics that indicate the contrary. At one point I looked over and she was spooning mac and cheese onto a piece of garlic bread. Truly inspired.

This is David. I think it's safe to say that David and Shisha are dating. David is an excellent sport and participated in a pretty rowdy snowball fight. The fun lasted all the way up until Rick and Patrick, emboldened by countless Four Lokos, climbed out onto the roof and dumped a huge sheet of snow on him. I think they scared themselves straight and David took everything in stride. Good man.

WARNING: Four Loko consumption will cause you to spontaneously do the Robot at holiday parties. And it's not a good Robot. Other side effects include (as they were relayed to me) tingling skin, inability to feel your hands, poor judgement, itchy tongue, and a mysterious rash. Still not clear why the FDA banned this stuff.

hard to transition from Four Loko to your newest niece...On Saturday Rick and I rushed off to Fulton for some Erwin Family Holiday Action. Chase Marie was officially 6 months old on Christmas, and in lieu of a half birthday cake, she opted to dine on wrapping paper at any chance she saw.

I'll just have a little piece...

Why is Mom not letting me have any of this crinkly, colored goodness? Doesn't she know it's my half birthday?!?

Chase with Grandpa Erwin

Chase with Aunt Judy.

It became clear during this holiday season who the main planner is in this family. Here's a hint: It's not me. It's someone that decided to spend the holidays in warmer climates to prepare for our NYE trip. Chaney is second in line, but she took on the responsibility of the big Christmas Eve shin-dig. In a brief moment of clarity I realized, on December 23rd, that we did not have any plans for Christmas evening. Being the unselfish sort that I am, I offered up our house. Because I refuse to get stressed out about this (it's bad for Super, I am told), I high-tailed it to Trader Joes and purchased 2-3 of every frozen appetizer they sell. Rick got a ham. Viola! Dinner is served. Luckily I know my siblings are not picky as long as there is booze provided and I think everyone enjoyed the selection.

Who's this little pop tart? It's Ms. Chloe, donning her newest cami and hipster hat. She also received new boots and tights to add to her already impressive boots and tights collection.

Then we were robbed. Just kidding! This is Parker in her equal parts freaky and cute Panda mask. The plan is that this mask will allow Parker to continue to ride her bike to school in the increasingly frigid temperatures. She might also be able to hold up a convenience store or two.

All in all it was a wonderful Christmas season, though now I see why I was so exhausted on Sunday. Looking forward to some relaxation time with the family in Miami this weekend. Running around Miami with all 10 of us will certainly be restful, right? RIGHT?????

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