Thursday, December 2, 2010

16 WEEKS!!!

While I hate Tuesdays, I luurve Thursdays, because that means our dear Super is one week older! Super is now the size of a large orange (can't they just say grapefruit?) and weighs approximately 3.5 ounces. Looks like I am not the only one who put on a little weight at Thanksgiving!

Toenails are starting to form (hopefully Super won't click-click-click his/her toenails all over the house like someone else we know) and primitive hearing starts now but won't be able to hear fully until 24 weeks. Looks like now might be a good time to start easing up on the f and s-bombs. I am looking at you GB...

And what I have feared the most, hiccuping often starts at this point but is "infrequent". Why would a grown adult be afraid of hiccups, you might ask? Well, as the only adult I know that gets hiccups a minimum of once a day, this is the one trait that I am hoping I have not passed along to my child. If my own hiccups often get up enough momentum to make me feel like I am going to barf, I can only imagine the sensation of "in stereo" hiccups coming from both my own diaphragm and my womb...

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