Thursday, June 30, 2011

Double Minded

It is the middle of Annie's third nap period of the day. This nap typically runs from 2-4 with some sort of drama around 3-ish. I have stated before that we are trying to get Annie to sleep without "sleep props" which can include binkies, sound machines, rocking, nursing, etc. "How's that goin' for ya?", you might wonder. "Super!" would be my response....if I was responding to one of those judgmental uber-moms. But since I am pretty sure no one like that reads this blog, I will tell you the truth:

Each morning I awake resolute to the no prop campaign, and it usually works for the first nap of the day. By the second nap, things are ok and we might need the binkie; no big deal (this is, of course, assuming this nap is not taken in her car seat, in which case the car engine is considered a sleep prop-jerks). Then we get to the 3rd nap where usually some sort of prop is deployed by the "mid-nap freakout". This likely involves a sound machine in addition to binkie manipulation. Mild breach of protocol, I tell myself.

Well, as the day progresses and sleep becomes more and more of a chore, the prop number increases steadily, as evidenced by last night's bedtime activities. At this point in the day Rick and I have reached the end of our tether. There is a line-up of 3 different binkie options available for her choosing, the sound machine is roaring at levels which can likely be heard down the block, Annie is swaddled so tightly she can barely draw breath, our backs are crippled from the incessant rocking and I am hoping the muscle twitching in my shoulder is somehow vibrating her to sleep.

So the real answer would be "not great". At least I get it right once a day, which, for now, I will consider a victory. Tomorrow is a new day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. We are sleep prop users -- binkies, swaddling and a humidifier for "white noise" at night. Don't be so hard on yourself. They outgrow it. Literally. We swaddled Mary Clare until she outgrew the blankets, and she was fine once we stopped. Whatever it takes to get some sleep.
