Saturday, June 4, 2011

Comings and Goings

WARNING: If you are grossed out by umbilical cords, stop reading now. I used to be one of those people, until my daughter had the cutest little cord business ever. Ok, well maybe not CUTE, but it was attached to her and I adore anything associated with this little thing, so indulge me. And I have no baby book yet, so these types of things will be documented here until that happens. And probably after that happens. If that happens.

So as you might have guessed that Annie lost her umbilical cord yesterday morning. For some reason, this makes me sad. It also makes me sad that the tape marks for my IVs and monitors are fading (I appear to have had a slight allergic reaction to the tape they used). I think the sadness is because the fading of these physical signs means time is passing and I just want to freeze these moments forever. So to capture those moments, I am photographing everything. Well, everything on Annie. I know she won't be this skinny, fuzzy little newborn forever. And lucky you, you get to see the choice pictures of these things!

The cord. This is also documentation that I did eventually find the pink monkey PJs I referenced in my birth story post.

Cord free. I am seriously demented.

Time is not just moving fast for the Erwin family. The Hagemanns had their eldest daughter depart for sleepaway camp today. Parker will be gone for two weeks at Kamp Kanakuk. And while we were sad to see her go, we are so excited for our little P-Nut and know she will have an amazing time.

And speaking of Parker, I had mentioned somewhere on this blog that it is not likely that Super/Annie would have the eyelashes of her cousins. I caught this pic of Parker getting out of the pool yesterday:

No Latisse needed for this gal (Latisse is the prescription medicine to grow longer lashes, FYI)

I think Annie currently has 5 tiny little blonde lashes on each eye. They are microscopic.

So maybe with the going of the umbilical cord, we'll get some growth of the eyelashes. Though if they never come in, she'll still be pretty cute.

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