Monday, June 13, 2011

Three weeks!

That can't be right, can it? Of course, when I look at her and see the little bits of pudge starting to form on her face, I guess I can believe it has been three weeks. Though, to be honest, the whole thing has been a bit of a blur so far. We have continued to have more firsts in the past week. We had our first restaurant meal at El Indio, which also included our first restaurant crying jag. I started to feel guilty for being "that family" with the crying infant in the restaurant, but then countered with the argument that if people wanted an elegant experience, perhaps a hole in the wall mexican joint might not be the best option.

We also had our first projectile poop experience, which happened at 3:00 am. This is real-deal parent stuff we have here. We have also had several three back-to-back diaper rounds, which is in and of itself an argument against cloth diapers. I don't know how those people do it. That would be a LOT of laundry.

I had both my first call to the pediatrician's exchange (the service you call in off hours) as well as my first trip to the pediatrician for something other than a well baby exam. Our sweet girl has been a bit fussy the past few days, and generally seemed uncomfortable and at times inconsolable. She wasn't sleeping well and when she was eating, she was so sleepy that she would fall asleep immediately, which became concerning after a day or so. I checked in with Dr. Eaton today and he said that everything was fine. Of course, now I feel a bit like someone who took their dog to the vet because it was barking. But at least now we have peace of mind that she's healthy and it's just a phase. And we don't need to worry about the eating just yet as our gal now weighs 7 pounds, 5 ounces! That's a 9 ounce weight gain from last week!

Last week I stated that she was not a big fan of being swaddled or the binkie. Well, that all changed one night last week when she refused to sleep. Had someone told me that the only thing that would put her to bed would be to wrap her in bacon and cupcake sprinkles, my response would have been "what flavor sprinkles?". In a moment of desperation we decided to revisit the swaddle blanket and it worked within minutes. We have also deployed the binkie (after trying several brands) from time to time to keep things under control. Or as close to control as we can get. It's all relative these days.

Annie at 3 weeks. Note these are the white monkey PJs, not to be confused with the pink monkey PJs.

Though it has been crazy, Rick and I are madly in love with this little baby. Each day has brought first, challenges, and glimpses of smiles, which are all it takes to keep us going.

1 comment:

  1. Good call at taking another pass at the swaddling. A friend told me it's one of those things that is worth working through the baby's initial displeasure, and that proved to be true with Mary Clare. We'll see what her brother thinks.
