Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lucky Girl

I keep getting reminded how lucky I am these days. I am blessed with a perfectly average pregnancy, I am at 38 weeks and have no trouble sleeping, I have a husband that takes excellent care of me and makes me belly laugh multiple times daily, and a family that I wouldn't trade for all the gold in China (as a certain someone in said family would say). I was also lucky to spend my 35th birthday with some of my most favorite people....

Parker even let Rick take this picture on my special day. As if this was not enough, she even made me a book/card which had multiple poems, pages, and drawings...

Look who, at the ripe age of 9, has a firm grasp on the "you're" issue.

And as if the card book was not enough, I also received this gift from Parker, which made my heart hurt. I am secure in the knowledge that for the rest of my life, I will have at least $5, because I am never, ever, spending this. It's brilliant financial planning.

This card is from Chloe. Thanks to her amazing attention to detail, the card was equipped with hidden pockets with secret messages and pop-up babies. Again, with the heart hurting and sweet notes from my beautiful nieces....

And just when I started to feel like I was uncomfortable and ready for this baby to come out, I get this (also from Chloe):

So, so lucky.


  1. Parker let me take that picture because it was with the iPad, which she had just spent 15 minutes playing.

  2. Well I guess that alone makes the iPad worth it :).

  3. Okay, my heart hurts from reading those. Super sweet.

    (And yeah, an iPad!)
