Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Letter to Super

Dear Super,
First off, I would like to apologize in advance if the name “Super” sticks past your birth. It was really just intended as a way to reference you that seemed to take on a life of its own. Since we all really do feel you are Super, I hope it doesn’t bother you too much.

I wanted to write this letter to let you know what I am thinking/feeling as I am moving through the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I will say that you have been a pretty easy baby so far. I didn’t get any morning sickness (other than one time, the day before I found out that you were on the way) and I haven’t been overly tired. I think I have been a bit mean to your sweet father, particularly in the first few months, but he’s handled it very well. You have taken to some pretty ferocious jabs lately, but I just like to think that means you are feisty and ready to come out and meet everyone. It has to be getting cramped in there. So far I know you love oranges and apple juice. If I haven’t felt you move in a while, I can always count on these things to get you jumping.

I spend a lot of time thinking about what you will be like. In my mind, you will look a lot like me (I am guessing I feel this way because you are a girl). I imagine you being funny, smart, sensitive, and creative, which are more traits of your father. It would not be honest if I said I don’t worry about your health and that everything goes well during your delivery. I guess it’s the not knowing how things will go that bothers me the most. I try not to get too scared about the whole process and focus on how thrilled we will be when you get here. Luckily your Dad is around to calm me and reassure me that everything will be fine.

Which brings me to the topic of your father... I was never 100% sure I would have children until I met him. I have never seen someone that has such a way with infants, babies, toddlers, and can be pretty charming with adults. The more I got to know him, the more I loved him (which all happened pretty quickly, I should add) and I became aware that he was put on this earth to be a Dad. And then I quickly realized that I wanted to be a part of whatever family had a Dad like that. I think you and I are both really lucky to have him in our lives.

While I am ready for you to get here, I am going to miss having you with me at all times. I like to think that you and I are a package deal right now, and I like knowing you are with me and safe. You seem to have perfect timing and just when I am getting frustrated or anxious about work or the house, you give me a little nudge, which quickly hits the reset button and reminds me that in the grand scheme of things, all of this stuff is inconsequential and there is a bigger task at hand. I already am not looking forward to going back to my boring old body that doesn’t have a Super Baby bouncing around inside of it. I feel like you already have so much personality and I can’t wait to put a face to the baby I feel I already know (and the feet that so lovingly kick my ribs). I can’t express how miraculous it is to imagine that there will be a person in the world that was made from me and your Dad. And I can’t imagine I could love you any more than I do already, but I know that’s about to change as well.

We are officially at the end of the road here. It's two hours before we head to the hospital to get induced. Today has been a brutal waiting game and both your Dad and I are very impatient and ready for you to get here. We've been on the threshold of all this activity for so long and are ready to get things started! We know we are in for a lot of changes, but we knew that was what we were getting into. I have loved my life with your father for the past 7+ years, so thinking of a completely different life does make me a little nervous, but we both know that nothing great ever came from staying the same. We are also very aware of how blessed we are to be able to have a child and to experience this entire process. You are an amazing gift.

I can’t seem to find a way to appropriately convey how special the past 9 months have been. I have loved every second of the pregnancy and feeling you grow. I have not been crazy about the maternity clothes and look forward to both of us trying out our new wardrobes (well, yours is new, mine is just unused for 10 months). I can’t wait to spend my days getting to know you and have you become part of our lives. You are already the center of attention and you are not even here yet!

Try to be patient with us as we learn about how to care for you and what you need. We are new at this, and promise we will spend the rest of our lives trying to make you as happy as we possibly can.

Love you,

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's just about perfect. I'm not even mad that you made me cry.

