Documentation of the sometimes entertaining and currently exhausting lives of Kaly, Rick, Annie, and John.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Data Collection
The next appointment is December 27th, again after another holiday weekend. This is the big one where we learn the sex. What say ye, People of my blog (Pombs)...Boy or Girl?
Friday, November 26, 2010
The basement flooded on Wednesday night. And we're not talking a few seeps here and there. We are talking running water from the wall window (where George Burns lives or lived, he may have been "displaced" during our cleanup efforts-I hear the sewer system is lovely this time of year). The silver lining of a having a basement that floods is that you have a basement to begin with. And that means we have a lovely house that keeps us warm and for the most part, dry. We have a house because we both are blessed with jobs we enjoy.
Bear/Bexar continues to use the house as his own personal bathroom. In fact, he seems to prefer the privacy of pooping in the house. Beyond recognizing the humor in the fact that we seem to have the only Bear that does not shit in the woods, I also recognize that because of Bexar, our family has had a faithful and loving companion for 11 years. He has lifted our moods and licked our faces for his entire life. He has always been there for us, so it's only fair that we are here to clean up an accident or give him a lift off the floor when he needs us.
With big families with big personalities like mine, there are inevitably going to be annoyances. They may be due to scheduling, personalities, a crazy pregnant lady who has violent mood swings, or just someone's in a funk and isn't feeling the holiday spirit. But I can't imagine not having them around during the holidays. Sure, we can be a scary bunch that seems to take joy in dishing out endless amounts of crap, but that's the way we roll. It's very comforting to have the endless support and understanding that a family can provide and I wouldn't change a thing.
And while I wouldn't ever categorize Super as an annoyance, the pregnancy does come with it's own set of challenges. I can't lift our wonder-mutt in and out of the car, I can't seem to get the deposits to match the withdrawals (Patrick knows what I mean), I can't booze it up with the siblings over the holidays, and I generally feel strange most of the time. But, I am thankful that my body is capable of carrying a baby and the absolute miracle of the experience. I cannot believe that by this time next year, our Super will be around 6 months old. And for those of you keeping track and waiting patiently for the Super Update, he/she is the size of a large APPLE as of yesterday! Crazy town.
So because of this timely holiday I was able check myself and realize that all these little pesky things contribute to one big, wonderful thing and for that, I am thankful.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A day to remember
To demonstrate what loving support Rick provides in this duo, I present this recent exchange:
K: My pants barely fit over this gut.
R: It's not a gut. It's a baby.
In other equally exciting news that may not seem like anything to those not living in our world, BEXAR/BEAR WAGGED HIS TAIL TODAY!!! Now some of you might think this is NBD, but for a dog that mysteriously stopped moving his tail about two months ago, this is very significant. You have no idea how sad a wagless tail is on such a sweet dog. Sure, it was just a few swipes back and forth, but I almost cried. I think he knew it was a special day too.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Don't lose focus
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Super Thursday-Week 14
Is there a way to break a child of thumb sucking while still in the womb?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This one's for you, Granny
Yesterday's announcement that Prince William and Kate were getting married reminded me of another of Granny's great loves: The Royal Family. She had tons of books about them and loved to go through them with me. She wasn't a huge fan of Prince Charles (who is, really?) but liked Princess Diana, though she was a bit "common". I remember being relieved that Granny wasn't around when Princess Diana passed, because she would have been devastated both by the death and that Diana was dating an Arab. Ok, he was Egyptian, but methinks Granny might not have found that acceptable either. She was a bit "old school".
This was one of the books Granny gave me that we used to go through all the time. I will make sure to go through it in preparation for the royal festivities.
While I am sad that Granny is not around to watch this wedding (I am sure she would DVR it for repeat viewings and commentary), I am sure she's got a much better view now. I will watch the wedding while eating fudge and cream cheese icing and missing my great grandmother.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
At least they have concrete floors
Of course, we weren't really trying to punish the ol' boy, and it's a good thing too. B has spent the morning getting taken on walks by Bob Cassilly himself and being fawned over by the City Museum staff. I guess having little to no control over your bowels has its perks after all. Hope they have the power washer at the ready!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Update from Kerrville
According to Elizabeth, BABY DEER has full access to the house and was seen begging for food during dinner. I can't stand it. I also can't wait to see how this all plays out. I count on my Texas cousins to keep the updates coming!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bagel Buyer Beware
This morning I was lucky enough to get photographic evidence of the aforementioned burned out hole on not one, but BOTH our bagels at our Friday Morning Breakfast.
This is my bagel. Six cheese with plain light cream cheese. No, I haven't already taken a bite out of it. The hole you see was there upon delivery. What is not so obvious in this picture is that the burned out section continues from the south, up in a northeastern counter-clockwise direction on the eastern half of the bagel. Covered up by cream cheese. Naturally.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So long 1st Trimester!
According to my phone (do we even need doctors any more, I am sure there is an ultrasound app), Super is now around 3 inches; the size of a large plum. Super weighs 1.5 oz and is now starting in inhale and exhale amniotic fluid and has fully formed fingerprints. WooHOO! It also says that I should be starting to show around this week, but I think that my extra long torso is just making it look like I had a big meal. Maybe next week!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Common Denominator
There was really a tie for second as these two were the only ones willing to touch the more potent center portion of the AJ. This guy won second because of his casual demeanor. He almost looks comfortable holding that thing. Almost.
Stare too long at this crustache and you will turn to stone.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
slippery slope
I then realized it's a slippery slope when it comes to seeking comfort in clothes. One minute I am wearing stylish maternity jeans, the next I am sporting pajama jeans and (they fit any body type!) and a ratty sorority tee to Aldi's with my cat carrier to pick up antibiotics to treat my invasive bed sores. Here's hoping I find a middle ground!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I trust your judgement
I need your opinion. There's been a situation brewing in the women's bathroom at my office building. There is one bathroom facility on our floor that all the offices on our floor share (there are only four offices and multiple stalls in the bathroom, so it's not as horrid as it sounds). BUT, there is a person that puts toilet paper down on the seat and then LEAVES IT THERE when they are finished for the next person to, I presume, dispose of as we see fit. I have stumbled into the stall with the impromptu toilet seat cover (ISC) a few times and it drives me insane every time. This made me crazy pre-pregnancy, so I don't think I am being too nuts here (though some could argue that I was a bit "off" before as well). I have had my eye out for the ISC-leaver for TWO YEARS and I think I figured out who it was today. I was "thisclose" to saying something to her, but then I heard my husband's sweet voice in my head telling me once again "don't go all crazy on this poor innocent person". So what say ye, people o' my blog, do I:
a) Stop being crazy and use another stall and get over it
b) Ask the lady politely to tidy up her mess
c) Ask the "stall pig" why she thinks that somehow it's not ok for her a$$ to touch the seat, but it's ok for her to leave her a$$ napkins all over the toilet for someone else to pick up.
I'm leaning towards C, but wanted to get a consensus before moving forward.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Out of the closet
Friday, November 5, 2010
Drunk with power
"Should I be concerned?" was the attached message.
Kristen and Dave are newlyweds and imagine Kristen's surprise when she noticed the AJ in the grocery bag after Dave returned to the store. As a dutiful blog follower, she contacted me immediately. Look, I am not saying there's a guarantee he's a maniac, but I'd sleep with one eye open. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that. If he starts leaving you love notes made with random letters cut out of magazines, it's time to get worried.
This blog has taken a strange turn of late, and I promise to get off the candy topic soon. Maybe next week. Or when you guys stop sending me stuff about it. Be safe out there!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Building my army
It arrived yesterday and it would seem that Patrick was less than enthusiastic about donning the Swedish Fish t-shirt we purchased for him....
Meet Jack, Patrick's dog, and the lower maintenance of all the Harkins/Loyd/Erwin pets. Unless you have food sitting out. Or food in the sink. Or a trash can in your house. In any of those scenarios he's a a bit of a food bandit. But health-wise he's pretty easy when compared to Chance and B.
To answer your question, Patrick, I think you can still wear the shirt even if you don't like Sewdish (as you call them) Fish. Though it would probably be a fun conversation starter. You can tell anyone that asks about how they contribute to your dental problems and potential diabetes. The ladies will swoon.
You can read all about how this started in the comments section of this post.