Thursday, September 2, 2010

That's Strange

No one spends more time and $ at Walgreens than I. No one. I find myself always lacking some essential, whether it be shampoo, a shake weight, or yet another cheap tube of lip gloss. The love affair was really secured the day they started selling booze. Due to all the time spent at this place, I thought I knew Walgreen's pretty well. I was inspecting my recent receipt for my expense report and saw this:

For those of you that can't read blurry cell phone, it says "Walgreens: There's a Way". Hmmm. Aren't they "The Pharmacy America Trusts"? That's a much better slogan than say, Rite Aid, "With Us, It's Personal", which always sounded to me like they had a grudge/vendetta. There's a way for what? It's not like it's Home Depot or something. Maybe they are just giving this slogan a trial run? I don't know and I don't like it. I might have to go back and tell JOYCE that I need her to help me by them getting rid of this stupid slogan. Joyce was the head of cosmetics and looked like a woman who knew how to get things done...

1 comment:

  1. I'm telling you, all the great institutions are going to hell in a hand basket.
