Friday, September 24, 2010

Missed Opportunity

Ever since we were little my siblings and I used to try to come up with what we would name our band (and subsequent best selling albums) when we finally developed some sort of musical skills. Never you mind that there's not one of us that can carry a tune or play an instrument, so this was a pretty lofty undertaking. Patrick's was Teenage Waistband. Liza's was Wasted Staples. Chaney never came up with one because the OJ/MJ/Scott Peterson trials were on and she had better things to occupy her time. It took me about 30 years to come up with mine and I just found out while going through Rick's iTunes yesterday that my imaginary band name is now an actual band name. It appears that someone else recognized the genius in the name Rumble Strips. I just love saying those words too. So descriptive. It's the little things that make me happy.

Know what else I love to say? Bieber Fever. The kid creeps me out, but I gotta hand it to him, that's catchy.

EDIT: Patrick would like the record to show that the band naming thing was his idea. And that he's got Bieber Fever.


  1. mine was teenage WASTE band. totally different. teenage waistband would be ridiculous.

  2. that's it. i'm starting my own blog.

    (also -i would have named my band 'the patrick harkins band', but it was already taken. seriously.)

    currently i'm liking the sound of 'large but not in charge'

  3. Is that your blog name or your band name? Either way it sounds like it's for chubby middle school vice principals.

    You should absolutely start a blog. I think is available.

  4. me and my band are the same thing-can't tell where one stops and the other starts. that's why the (theoretical) music is so damn good.

    i think my blog will be called:

  5. No one has the heart to tell you that your theoretical music sucks. It's pretentious and hard to listen to (what with being non-existent). I'm just sayin'.... has a nice ring to it.

  6. my theoretical music is for more sophisticated palate. (it feels weird to say that when i had to look up how to spell "palate"). maybe see if rick likes it.

    thought of a new name for this blog:
