Monday, October 29, 2012

SOOO BIG-17 Months

Dear Annie,
You are almost a week into being 17 months old. All of a sudden time has really started to fly. Sure, the first year went by fast, but the past few months are a blur. I think it's because you are so active and so fun. We go on new outings almost every weekend and I braved a solo trip to take you to your first movie last week.

I think you thought I was walking away from you, resulting in the world's most pathetic face here.  Trust me, you were excited (once you realized you weren't being abandoned at the movies).

Hotel Transylvania was a hit. At least the first hour was a hit. Then we ran out of crackers and you started saying "up peesh" repeatedly. I will likely never know how that movie ends. I think I will survive. 

You seemed to enjoy it though. You didn't get scared at the "scary" parts and seemed to like all the color and sound. I wasn't so brave to release you from your stroller and all those reading this should know it was a "Mommy Matinee" so there was no real fear of you disturbing everyone (all 4 other people) in the theater. I will call this a success.

You are quite the little entertainer. We have noticed that you are an excellent mimic and I have heard you hum along to songs and parrot my voice on more than one occasion. Maybe not always exactly what I said, but how I said it. It's very interesting to see/hear. I attribute it to your Dad playing music for you since the day you were born (and before). 

You love choo-choos and Elmo, though you have never really watched Sesame Street. There's something about that little red guy that makes your heart melt. You like to call him "Melmo". You talk quite a bit and know all the names of everyone in our immediate family, though you don't say them all with much regularity, other than your beloved cousin Parker. Or "Dar-der".

You love playing with the big kids, even if it means kickballs whizzing by your head. No risk is too great if they let you play along. 

They even let you sit at the big kid's table, which made my heart swell so big it felt like it was going to bust.
"What? Yeah, sure. I do this all the time. High chairs are for babies!"
You couldn't have been more excited, but played it cool and acted like you have sat in a regular chair at the table 100s of times.

I will save your eating habits for another post, because there's lots to discuss there. At last unofficial weigh-in (you find the scale in the bathroom tons of fun with its clicky noise and dangerously tippy surface and sharp edges) you were 27.5 pounds. You still wear size 4 diapers and most of your 18-24 month shirts are too short. You are now taking 1 nap a day on most days and still are sleeping 12 hours a night. I have NO IDEA how many teeth you have in there. I think it's somewhere between 10 and 45. 
I do know there are some big ones in the back that gave you fits for a few days.

Thirty years from now I want to remember how you love to play with your toes when you are sleepy, how you are so determined to feed yourself with a fork/spoon-but usually give up and go with the hands, how you have a love/hate relationship with stickers, how you insist on "tasting" every crayon before deciding on a color to use (seriously, those things better really be non-toxic), how you love to run through my legs, how by the end of each day my jeans have sticky Annie hand marks around the thighs from your various demands, how no matter how many times I do it, you always think it's really funny when I say "BOO!" at you, how you always know it's time to go to bed when I start saying our nighttime prayer and you will lay your head down on my shoulder, how you have learned to climb up on just about every piece of furniture in the house but haven't mastered the getting down part (if you ever hear repeated "uh-oh"s from Annie, know it's serious), how you started to have your own sense of fashion and how that both makes me very proud and very scared. 

I want to remember it all. I love you so much, sweet girl, 


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