Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cold Turkey

Annie had her 4 month checkup on Tuesday. I had been warned by my friend, Shelli, that Dr. Eaton was going to discuss solid foods as well as stopping swaddling. I had accurately anticipated the rolling over question, so I was thrilled to be able to answer that our gal was indeed rolling over, holding her head up on her tummy, laughing and cooing, and in general being 100% awesome.

Well, Shelli was right. We were instructed to try to feed her rice cereal a few times a day to get her used to eating from a spoon. He also said no more swaddling. I guess it is some sort of suffocation risk. That is really all I needed to hear. I was ready to give it up for good. I wasn't so sure about Miss A.

Fueled with sleep-inducing shots from the doctor, Annie was pretty drowsy for her first nap and went to sleep with no swaddle with zero effort. I was applauding my advanced daughter's abilities. Second nap, no problem. She had a little more difficulty going to bed for the night without it so we swaddled her and then took it off a few hours later and she slept through the night just fine. On Wednesday, she continued to have no issues with the naps but when it came time for night swaddling, she wasn't feeling the need to be free, so we did the same thing again and let's just say she didn't do quite as well through the night. There was some serious hollerin' going on in that room throughout the evening. She eventually calmed down and Rick and I were zombies yesterday.

Last night she was amazing! So amazing that Rick and I had to repeatedly check in on her to make sure she was still breathing. It was the first time ever that we didn't have to get out of bed to soothe her at some point in the night. Jen said she slept well unswaddled during the day as well.

Here are her 4 month stats:

weight: 13 lbs, 15.6 oz (we'll call it 14 lbs)=43rd percentile

height: 25 inches=70th percentile

head size: 16.25 inches=67th percentile

This is her current hair color; sort of a sandy blonde

These are her sweet cheeks.

And this is her sleeping like a big girl.

Now that this swaddling drama seems to be behind us (hopefully), I am not sure what I will obsess over. Thank goodness we are starting solid foods!

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