Tuesday, September 20, 2011

17 weeks

Where do these weeks go? I feel like I am constantly behind on getting updates out there. Annie is still a wonderful baby (I'll let you know if that ever changes, so just assume it's still the case unless you hear otherwise). In the last few days she's really started grabbing/pinching, which is great for her motor skills, but not so awesome for any flesh or body hair that might be within her reach.

As you might be able to tell from this picture, her eyes are getting more blue by the day. As they are getting lighter blue, I think they will probably stay blue and not turn brown. She may or may not have strawberry blonde hair. Her eyebrows appear distinctly red at times though. Aunt Shisha loves to tell me that she looks like an Irish baby. I hear Rick's family has some red heads in it somewhere (preemptive strike against milkman jokes). Bunny is also being clutched within an inch of its stuffed life in this pic. This is the standard bunny choke hold.

She has had very few issues with the switch to her new room. She does wake up a bit earlier in the morning, which I attribute to her being right next to the bathroom and hearing us getting ready. And to any new Moms out there that happen upon this and see that I have bragged about her sleeping for 12 hours straight, I feel I should clarify something: she does not get out of her crib for 12 hours. That's not to say we just plunk her in there and leave her, but she does wake up from time to time and sometimes there is a binkie replacement, but for the most part she's asleep and not crying. Heck, I probably couldn't sleep for 12 hours without waking up. The blessing is that we have now mastered the ability to sleep walk for these 1-2 visits. And if I don't remember doing it, it doesn't count.

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