Saturday, September 17, 2011

She's left the nest

We made the decision today to get Annie into her own room. Don't get me wrong, we love having her so close, but she's got this "adorable" little habit that we lovingly refer to as thumping. Thumping takes place in the middle of the night and involves her lifting her legs straight in the air, then slamming them down into her crib mattress. Again. And. Again. To the point that the crib is askew in the morning. While this is great for her core strength and she should be rocking an infant 6-pack in the next month or so (we just need to up the cardio), it's not great for the sleep for the ole parents. And, we figured it will be easier to get her into her own room earlier rather than later. For her, at least.

So today we went out, purchased blackout curtains and the world's most expensive space heater. These were the two excuses we had been using to keep her in our room. We went through the usual night time ritual of giving her the bottle and swaddling (don't judge) and braced myself for a long rocking/soothing session.

She was asleep in approximately 3 minutes.

I held her for a few extra minutes so I could get myself together and be thankful for this extremely easy wonderful child we have. She's really good at making Rick and me looking like big babies.

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