Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Tried-19 weeks

Annie has earned her 1 week swaddle-free chip. I have learned it's much easier to get her to sleep when she's actually tired. Novel concept, I realize. At the request of Dr. Eaton, we tried giving her rice cereal. As with all things parenting related, we received conflicting information on rice cereal preparation. As the cooking of rice in the Erwin household usually involves a colander, I should have known this wasn't going to be easy. Dr. Eaton instructed us to make the rice cereal to be the consistency of apple sauce. The box instructed us to add 4-5 tablespoons to each tablespoon of ricey powder. We just assumed that following the box's directions would give us apple sauce-like biz. Notsomuch. It ended up being more like just chunky milk. YUM!

Wait. What are we doing? You want me to take my hands out of my mouth? For that stuff? It looks disgusting.

So I hate to disappoint, but we didn't get many pics of a face caked in goop. I think we have a video but it is mostly Rick and me debating the consistency of the rice cereal. I leave and go add more rice, we try again and no real luck. I now know why Dr. Eaton got us started early on this stuff. At this rate, we might have the hang of it by 6 months.

Annie is spending a lot of time trying to roll back to front these days. As a result, we are spending lots of time perched precariously on our side.

The cheeks are getting so big that they are encroaching on the corners of the eyes, resulting in a sort of drawn on eyeliner effect you see here. Wonder where she gets that.

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