Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thumbs Up-21 weeks

Sorry for the delay in posting. We were celebrating our 5th annie-versary in Miami and things were such a whirlwind when I returned, blogging didn't seem to make the list of priorities. I know this is shocking to all 2 of you that anxiously await my next blog. Perhaps anxious is a bit of a stretch. Either way...

The trip to Miami was another success. She was a dream on the way down. Circumstances beyond our control prohibited ideal behavior on the return trip. These circumstances involved a rather large woman taking the aisle seat that was pushing the limits of the seatbelt extender and an arm rest that was not deployed between this woman and Rick. This resulted in Rick only having about half a seat and needing to lean eversolovingly into my area. We tried to make the best of our 1.5 seats, but Annie wasn't thrilled with the way I had to hold her (practically vertical and in a constant state of almost slipping to the floor) and she cried a bit. I got a strange amount of pleasure that her might be making someone *cough* on our row a bit uncomfortable. I think that makes me a sociopath. Moving on. Here's the latest:

We had found our thumb previously, but really started to hit our stride with it in the last few days. Then we found our feet. This picture shows Annie getting the best of both worlds. Off to the left of the frame is the pitcher of sangria Rick and I split to celebrate our arrival to Miami.

Prime 112 dinner for our anniversary. The food was excellent and the place was beautiful, but the clientele appeared to be a Jersey Shore reunion.

To celebrate our anniversary, Annie rolled over! I think she wanted to show the peeps at the pool her new bloomers.

If you don't think this is the sweetest picture ever, then you are dead inside.

Annie braved the storm while shopping on Lincoln Road. Thankfully Bigs was available to feed her. Speaking of feedings, as you can see from the pic, her legs are filling in nicely. She even has dimples on.her.knees. Deal.

I hear I have quite a large Texan following, and to the one of you, I hope this picture doesn't turn you against Annie too much. Or you stop reading the blog out of hatred when the Cardinals win the World Series. Gah, I am such a sports fanatic.
Here's a tummy time shot. A few seconds later I noticed a stash of the neck cheese that was giving sweet baby a red rash that looked like a sunburn. Using my excellent sleuthing skills, I deduced that it was not a sunburn as this particular part of her body has never seen the light of day. No matter, Moms and Pops were on it and it's already better today. Whew!

Her most favorite thing to do is to contemplate her thumb. And it appears we might have a sucker on our hands. At any given point she can be seen staring intently at her hand and moving it ever so slowly towards her mouth until her eyes cross. Then she jabs her razor sharp baby thumbnail into her cheek/nose/eyelid and starts the process over. And over. And over. People warn me of the difficulties of breaking a child of a thumb sucking habit, but because every once in a while she finds her target, and that gets her to sleep, I think we'll let it be for now.

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