Sunday, October 23, 2011


Dear Annie,
You are five months old today! You continue to be a great sleeper, though I think we are in some sort of napping transition. You are going longer between feedings (around 3.5 hours during the day), but your naps have been pretty short lately. You fell asleep almost immediately after your 4:00 feeding this afternoon and I couldn't hardly wake you up, which was a first (you normally don't sleep after 4 until your bedtime).

You have had several successful feedings of rice cereal, which you have two times a day. I have been mixing the rice cereal with breast milk, which you have liked. We did notice that the cereal did help you sleep through the night much sounder, which has been nice. Of course, your Dad and I still get up a few times to make sure you are ok.

You had your first bottle of formula today, which you seemed to tolerate. Then I got ambitious and tried to mix the formula with the rice cereal for dinner and you were NOT having it. You got all exorcist-ie and whipped your head almost 180 degrees to show your distaste. I quickly whipped up another batch with breast milk and you gulped it right down. Not sure where that leaves us when my stash of frozen breast milk runs out, but maybe after you get a little more used to the formula it won't be that big of a deal. Hopefully.

You are very close to being able to sit up by yourself, you are obsessed with your feet, and you love sitting in your bumbo seat. Your little legs filled out so much in the last week that we have to squeeze you in an out of it! You are still in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month sized clothes, though some of your sleepers are 6-9 months already.

Do I have anything on my face?

I pay much closer attention to babies these days, thanks to you. I love looking at them and guessing how old they are and imagining what you will be like when you are that age. It's hard for me to think of you in any other way than you are right now, but then I look back on how quickly you have grown already.

I still can't believe you used to be this itty bitty.

You continue to amaze us and we never had any idea that we could love something so much that poops and barfs on us with such regularity. I even got misty at work the other day when I smelled sour milk on my shirt. To say we are smitten is putting it lightly. Hopefully you don't read this blog until you are much, much older, because if you catch wind of how much we are wrapped around your finger we are in big trouble.

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