Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dreaded Milestone

Being a novice to all things baby related, it took my sister Chaney to point out to me that Annie didn't produce tears when she cried. This discussion took place on Annie's first night home from the hospital. Since then, I have been dreading the day when she produced real tears, because that's some real deal crying there. The tears indicate that she means business and without them, I could rationalize that somehow she wasn't that upset.

Well, she got that upset yesterday. It happened on the drive home from GB's house and I guess the combination of cutting it too close to mealtime and a hot car = infant meltdown with real baby tears...And real Mommy heartbreak.

This, of course, was not taken during the meltdown. I am not that cruel. I just wanted to give you a visual on how sweet she looks even when she is being fussy.

I knew this would happen eventually, however I had been secretly hoping it would happen on someone else's watch. I tried to console myself with the logic that at least she was with me and I could soothe her out of this waterworks display....but then I realized that I am not that kind of "glass half full" person and would 100% prefer that she be with someone else for the first teardrop.

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