Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Terror

Ok, so not really terror, per se, but it wasn't our finest moment. I was frazzled after an unexpected pre-bottle poop happened just before we left for the store to pick up goodies. I should mention here that these rice cereal/formula (she's getting one bottle of formula a day now-longest.wean.ever) poops are no joke. And because they are not very frequent, they tend to bring the quantity when they do arrive. So there was that. Oh, and I couldn't find the straps for her car seat, which her dutiful father had decided to wash the night before because they were caked in spit up. Has anyone seen my parent of the year award?

Other than a 15 minute cat nap after her bottle at 4:15, she hadn't slept since 1:00 and the poop thing sort of put her over the edge. Then I had a rookie Mom moment when I realized that her Halloween costume was a sack that she had to be zipped into, which means she couldn't wear it in her car seat. Awesome. She was still comatose by the time we got to Jen's for this photo op:

These little angels are Jen's girls. They are the sweetest things ever and love Annie. Ladybug (I haven't really told Jen about the blog, so I feel strange using their names) was thrilled with the fruit chews I gave them for halloween and appears to be pulling the finger-in-the-cheek move on her older sister.

We then unzipped Annie from the Pea Costume of Torture and headed over to the Hagemann's. I had to get her back into the damn thing before we walked in the door, to find that we interrupted their sit down dinner (people still do that?). I think my pictures of Annie and the girls are on my real camera, so I will have to get those up later. We caught Shisha on our way out and she snapped these pics.

She's smiling, but inside she's thinking, "I am going to get you later for this...".

Family photo op. I will say, Annie has learned early to smile pretty for the cameras. It might also be because I was making sweet cousin Parker jump up and down for her off-camera. No matter. In this photo I can clearly see that Annie has my corners of the eyes. That's about it, but I'll take it.

Aaannnnd...off came the Pea costume (brought to you by Guantanamo Bay Clothing) again to get in the car to go home. By this time it was soaked in baby tears and crying-induced vomit. So it should be no surprise to anyone that we decided to nix the neighborhood trick or treating and head straight to feeding and bedtime.

Naturally, Annie was a bit wound up by this point and wasn't really feeling the sleep thing, so bedtime stretched out for about 1.5 hours. Thankfully Rick took over the last leg of the crib watch so I could eat something other than the bars of chocolate I had been living on all day and relax for a minute.

So all in all, not a huge success, but thankfully Annie won't remember it and we'll make up for it next year. My Mom always says that it's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it. Since we finished the day with one frustrated parent and a child that fussed herself to sleep, I would like to modify the statement to "It's not how you finish the race, it's about how cute you look in the pictures", because despite everything, that is still one cute pea in the pod.

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