Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Half a Year!

Dear Annie,
You turned six months old almost a week ago. Thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday and tons of family time, I did not have time to blog about it in real-time. This is becoming more and more of an issue, but I am doing my best to stay current. Between work when I am at work, work when I am at home (both at night and in the day), and making you a priority when you are awake, there is not much time for silly things like, say, a BABY BOOK! Yes, that is correct. You don't have one yet, so I am hoping this blog will serve as a bit of a stand-in as long as I continue to keep things updated. Then I don't have to get all crafty with a baby book. Rest assured I have all your important items filed away to be carefully assembled somewhere around the year 2030 (originally typed 2020 but felt that was a bit optimistic).

You, my dear, are part of the reason there is no down time in these here parts. You are on the move! You are the ultra-marathoner of rolling. If they made a California King Crib, I would buy it for you (assuming we could get it up the stairs in our mini-house) so you could be the free range baby you so desperately want to be. Until someone takes up the cause, you will have to settle for rolling into the sides of your crib on a nightly basis. You have also started sleeping on your tummy, which has taken some getting used to. After 6 months of hearing about how stomach sleeping is akin to a death sentence for babies, we are supposed to release all that fear now that you are capable of rolling yourself over. Well, we are not that relaxed over here. The first few nights we would catch you on your tummy, we would rush in to rescue you from your certain demise and gently roll you back over, only to find you back on your stomach before we got out of the room. We did not sleep well.

Over the past week or so we have come to accept that you just prefer this and that as long as you are not clutching bunny in a wad against your face, you are ok. We will still probably flip you back from time to time though, just because we are crazy.

In the last week you also started saying "Da-Da (dadadadada)" and I swear one day you said "baby". We call you "boo-boo" or "The Boo" the majority of the time, and you are coming closer and closer to being able to say this. You are big on funny faces and noises and love it when we make them back at you.

Though it's probably not wise, I still hold you to put you to sleep at night. It only takes a few minutes and is just less painful than setting you in there when you are awake and listening to you be upset. You are able to settle yourself when you wake up in the night, so that's really what counts, right? Selfishly, this is my favorite time of the day and I will do this until you leave for college if you will let me.

You are now in a size 3 diaper, but that's a bit of a stretch. We got them from generous Grandpa Erwin, so there's no way we are going out and buying any more, but you would still fit in a 2 if we had them. We have tried to feed you regular baby food (turkey, chicken and rice, and peas) so far, with little to no success. You also won't take your rice cereal with formula still, though you take a bottle of formula a day. And yes, I am still mostly breastfeeding you. I think once I made my public declaration that I was going to quit almost 2 months ago, it sort of took the pressure off somehow. I also cut back and am only pumping 1-2 times a day, which has made a huge difference.

Here are some pictures from the Thanksgiving holiday:

Sporting your First Christmas PJs (along with the rest of the nation, we just glazed right over Thanksgiving and went straight to Christmas)

In an effort to assemble things for your baby binder, we thought it would be sweet to get your hand and foot prints at 6 months. I imagined tender moments of pressing your sweet hands onto a sheet of paper. Instead I was wrestling a paint-slicked little person that wanted nothing more than to shove her paint soaked hands and feet into her mouth. Thankfully someone had the presence of mind to give us non-toxic paint. If I had to do this over again, I would probably not do it right before we headed over to the parent's place for thanksgiving and the associated thanksgiving photographs. Lesson learned.

Uncle Happy came in for the holiday!

The boys were in charge of dinner on Saturday night, which involved everything being fried. There are not enough Weight Watchers Points in the world to cover the damage that was done.

And as it always goes when the family gets together, you spent lots of time snuggling with Chaney and your cousins.

It's gone by so quickly and I can't believe your first Christmas is right around the corner. I remember being pregnant at this time last year and trying to imagine what our life would be like with you. I remember thinking how you would still be a baby, but that hardly seems to be the case any more. While you are a baby, you seem to already understand so much and want to be so busy. I promise to try to slow down and enjoy this time with you. Maybe you can help me put that baby book together.

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