Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday is the New Monday

You may notice a trend here. A trend of tardy posting...or a general lack of posting. I find that Monday was not a wise choice for my update day as I have been working from home with Annie on Mondays. As you can imagine, trying to care for an infant and get in 8 billable hours doesn't leave much time for blogging. So prepare yourself for updates to be more around the Tuesday-ish timeframe.

Annie is now 11 weeks old and had her 2 month checkup yesterday. Yes, we are a little behind on the checkups but that was due to a series of checkups early on. It's not our fault. Promise. Dr. Eaton continue to sing the praises of our "perfect" daughter. Yes, he said perfect. It's a medical assessment from a professional. And this official diagnosis was even after I finished asking him my extensive list of questions, which I am sure may have colored his opinion of this perfect baby's parents. No matter. Here are her two month stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz (41st percentile)
Head: 15.5 in (62nd percentile)
Length: 23 1/4 in (58th percentile)

Annie continues to sleep through the night and is averaging 10-11 hours, which is a miracle. She is still 100% breast milk, which is becoming more and more of a labor of love as we don't have a place to pump in my office so I have to pump in my car. Needless to say, I am REALLY looking forward to the break in the heat. Here are some photos from the past week:

Some people look for pictures of Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster. I have been searching for the elusive shot of the infant neck. This is as close as I have come.

"You have a lovely chin." "No YOU have a lovely chin!"

She's cool when it's hot.

Being that cute can get a gal worked up, which requires the binkie to be deployed.

There are about 1000 more where those came from. One of which is the actual birth announcement photo. GB, I appreciate you holding back from hounding me about this. Your restraint has been impressive. We anticipate having those out in the next 3-6 months. We figure if we wait long enough, people might think this is a whole new baby and send another gift.

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