Tuesday, August 16, 2011

12 Weeks

12 weeks is not 3 months yet, just so you know. This seems to be a point of confusion with many of my family members (which may or may not include myself). This is also why the "9 months" of pregnancy is actually closer to 10 when you consider that it's 40 weeks. Not the point of the post though.

Annie is 12 weeks old as of yesterday. During our day home she perfected her ability to poop in her onesie, spit up on both herself, me, and her play mat, and smile the cutest smile imaginable. When she wasn't doing all this fun stuff, she was sleeping like a champ in her swing. I have committed the last 12 weeks to making sure she uses that swing, and it appears it is finally paying off. I also think we are on the back end of a growth spurt, so that might account for the extra z's that were caught yesterday. She is also getting a bit sick of the swaddle as evidenced by her straining and grunting at 2:00 this morning. There are only two things that can make her produce that sound, and the diaper was clear, so it had to be the swaddle. Once removed, she fell quickly back asleep. I fear our swaddling days are about to be behind us. Where has the time gone?

And speaking of flying time, today is the first day of school for Parker and Chloe. Parker will be starting 4th grade and Chloe will be in 2nd. This is an exceptionally important milestone for me (and isn't that what it's all about?) because I actually REMEMBER 4th grade. Hopefully Parker's teacher is a bit nicer than Mrs. Jumper. I can't get over how big they are getting and thinking that if the growth of my nieces went this fast, it will be no time before Annie's headed off to school. I can't even think about it. It seems like just yesterday Parker and Chloe looked like this:

And now they look like this:


Thankfully, I look exactly as I did when they were born.

1 comment:

  1. And...thankfully I DO NOT!!:) Something funny about this picture is Parker is 4 years old and Chloe is 2 years old here-Chloe is just now fitting into the shoes Parker is wearing in this picture.
