Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3 Months!

Dear Annie,
You are three months old today! We have survived the first month of me being back at work and have settled in to a bit of a groove. You have won the heart of Nanny Jen and she is always telling me what a good baby you are. You continue to be an excellent sleeper and are going to bed now at around 7 and sleeping until around 7 in the morning! It's amazing and most people don't seem to believe me when I tell them. Daddy is still giving you your bottle at night and then I have been putting you to bed. We are still using the miracle blanket, which is probably not long for this world. But I feel like I keep saying that. Then it gets to be night time and I get greedy for sleep and think that tomorrow sounds like a good time to try swaddle-free sleep. I think you might be close to growing out of the blanket, so that will probably be the end of things. It's been a good run.

Your Daddy and I continue to be astonished by how much we love you and the changes you have brought to our life. We find ourselves laying on the ground next to you on your play mat watching you kick and smile for hours. You love listening to music and listening to your Daddy whistle. While we love that you sleep so much, it does make us a bit sad that we don't get to spend more time with you. I won't complain about too much sleep for you though. You have recently developed an affection for a lovey we have creatively named "bunny" or "bunzo". Bunny seems to really help you sleep, which is great. The less fortunate part of the bunny relationship is that you seem to only want to squish bunny into your face when you sleep, which scares us a bit. Not to worry, I have found a smaller, thinner replacement that should be here any day. Hopefully that will keep you sleeping AND breathing. Not too much to ask.

You are a big talker these days and love to "ooh" and "ahh" at us. You also have perfected a parrot-like squawk that is hilarious and seems to get louder by the day. We could listen to it forever. I love hearing your voice and imagining what it will sound like when you say your first words. Then I get sad thinking about that time getting here too quickly and try to be thankful and present during this current stage.

Here are some pictures from the past week:

We love you, baby girl. You are the best baby around!

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