Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun times two

Annie has had a bit of a runny nose for the last week. I attributed it to the fact that it appears that all of her teeth are coming in at once. Then there was about a 12 hour fever on Wednesday, but teething can give you a fever too, no? So I chalked that up to the teeth too. She had been a bit crabby at night, but we had been busy and I thought it was from being kept up a bit too late.

But then she woke up on Saturday morning and was digging in her ear. Digging like there were yogurt-covered car keys in there (her two favorite things). I was convinced it was nothing, and this was supported by the fact that she stopped shortly after she started. The Mom Paranoia crept in and I made an appointment to get her in on Saturday for my own peace of mind.

We hauled ourselves to the doctor and waited to get the green light to resume our weekend. Quick check in the ears and then the verdict.

Doc: She's got a double ear infection.
Internal dialogue: Crap. Here's where she hits the Child Protective Services button and I get my Mom Card pulled. Double is extra-bad. Double trouble. Double meat/double cheese. Double pinky swear. All mean extra serious business.
Me: Oh no! So it's worse than a normal ear infection? How does that happen? Should I have brought her in sooner? Is there anything that can be done? (back of hand to forehead; swooning may have been involved)
Doc: It just means it's in both ears.

I am no doctor, but they probably could have come up with a less dramatic name for that one.

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