Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

I don't know if any of you noticed, but it's a little warm out. Like, burn yourself with the metal part of the seatbelt-hot. Melted chapstick flowing from the tube-hot. Our yard looks like it was set on fire but it wasn't-hot. We will pay out the nose for AC and it still won't get below 77 in our ancient uninsulated house-hot. You get the picture.

I was excited that Annie was old enough this year to potentially celebrate the 4th instead of being a sleepy little raisin she was last year, where I was terrified to take her outside in weather like this. Unfortunately, I was still pretty worried, but she seemed to tolerate it well and we managed to get in a few fun activities in between cooling off periods.

We attended the Webster 4th of July parade. Our trusty-dusty fan kept her breezy and somewhat happy. The shades have become one of her favorite things and she insists on wearing them if I have my sunglasses on. She will also put them on the top of her head like Mom. It's pretty stinking cute. We spotted our neighbors in a shady spot, so we glommed on to them right quick and that made the thing tolerable. For a bit, at least.

We met this little fella and climbed up into his wagon for a bit. He shared his raisins and goldfish. It was all very civil. Until it wasn't....and Annie was lunging at him to try and steal his water bottle. Thank the sweet Lord for child restraints.

Daddy and Annie walked around to admire all the fun stuff going on.

Annie gets held like a football. Here's a fun fact: Annie really doesn't like to be held. At all. So when you try to hold her, she will flip her legs back in an effort to break free. This will inevtiably result in her being carried like this. Good times. She also appears to have her Mom's curse of the "red face". Sorry, darling. But if you play your cards right, you might be able to get out of finishing the mile run during the Presidential Fitness testing if you fake passing out. The red face will make it all look very real. A tip from me to you. You're welcome.
We then took the neighbors up on an offer to see how the other half lives at a local country club. Annie loved every minute of it and made all the ladies jealous by how she fills out her suit. Don't hate.

It was a wonderful island of fun in the middle of the week. I am thankful it was only one day because a gal can't handle that much action for two days in a row. 

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