Monday, April 30, 2012

Gut Rot

Turns out there are a few less adorable sides of parenting, but some that still should be documented. Annie came down with her first stomach bug today. I got the call from Jen that Annie wasn't eating well and asking if I had any ideas for other things for her to eat beyond her normal lunch. When Jen said she wouldn't eat pineapple, I feared something was amiss but didn't want to say it lest it become true. The only times Annie really doesn't eat well is when she is sick. Needless to say, Jen called back about 45 minutes later saying that she had thrown up 4 times.

Lockdown time.

I left work to pick her up and she seemed to be in good spirits. I wouldn't have known she was sick were it not for her vomit soaked clothes Jen handed over. Annie allowed me to snuggle with her, which was another indicator that she was not feeling well. She normally has more important things to do, like dump out trash cans. When she put her head on my lap, my heart melted. Then I felt the warmth running down my leg....

Barf. And more barf.

We went a few rounds, Dad came home and got in on the snuggling.

But then just as soon as it arrived, it seemed to be gone and our snappy little girl was back in action.

While I would never want my baby to be ill, I did love all the sweetness. And the cuddling makes two pairs of vomit soaked pants and couch stains much easier to handle.

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